Showa Modern Tai ‘Kassai’

Showa Modern Tai

Nana Yamane (Vo)
Hiroko Ishihara (Pf, Cho)
Kaori Iwatsuki (Per, Cho)

Showa Modern Tai (昭和モダン体) is acoustic chorus group united in 2011, based on Nagoya. They have more than a hundred of repertoire of songs of Japanese/English pop tune with rich and exciting arrangement influenced by many music junre such as Cuban music, Flamenco, Jazz, and so on.
Nana’s soulful vocal sounds out with solid ensemble of piano and percussion Beautiful chorus work with three is also one of charming point’s of the band.
Showa Modern Tai released first mini album ‘Ete ni ho wo age (得手に帆をあげ)’ and performing in Kanto/Kansai area as well as in their home ground, Nagoya area.